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Ascensionism and Your Soul

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This page contains what i hope will be a helpful guide to those questioning what spiritual path they should follow. The information provided herein is intended to give both practical and philosophical insights into the new-age religion called ascensionsism and it's far-reaching influences.

soul - evolution and development

evolution over lives lived

The first thing is to define what the soul is. The soul is the core of our spirit being. All living things have a soul, or they would not be living. It is through the soul that the force of life flows into the being. There are two types of soul – that which is physical or mortal soul and that which is divine or eholim soul. Mortals have solid forms. Mortals do have a spirit form, it is an integral part of what we are as a whole being. It should not be viewed as 'separate', for such is the life we are – not one or the other in our living, but both at once. Mortals have a physical body, they are 'solid', but this is not to say that eholim are themselves without form. While able to pass through solid objects we ourselves cannot in natural state (while living) they are to themselves and to each other 'solid'. They do have bodies. They have organs, minds and depending on the kind, limbs. The eholim are PEOPLE, just different people. And like mortals they make their choices.

Thus we have two kinds of soul in the universe, if life is defined and divided at it's most basic. Mortals live temporary existences and then when that life is done, the soul travels to the place of all souls, also known as the sacred place of souls, where it judges itself. No-one else judges your soul. Only the soul, with no-one to justify actions to , or excuses to make, when there is nobody to impose 'rules' or dictate what is 'right' or 'wrong', can dispassionately judge the fitness of its own being after the life just lived. Eholim, or 'spirit', can have potentially eternal (but not immortal) lives so their souls judge themselves far less than mortal souls. But when their lives end, they too go to this same place where their souls face the same internal judgement.

how did the first souls come into being? i don't know. as this is the thirteenth universal age, as counted by the eholim, and there was one age before that, i don't think anyone will know for certain. but as is the nature of life itself, all things change. and life itself moves in great cycles. the nature of life, and souls, varies from one age to the next.

only in the soul memory of mickel was there knowing of an earlier age. mickel was a child when the universe closed. the others had lived for as long as they had memory of the universe. but mickel's existence had only just begun. when they 'let go' of their existence they communicated to their youngest that he/she ('it' is the wrong word and i don't have another, but the name was aestra) should continue. and so he (as his soul in the next age became) did.

to best describe the cycle of souls i try to picture a nebula. a soul, having lived its lives, dissipates peacefully and easily. and in the hazy 'cloud' of what was , new stars - new souls - are born. nothing of what that soul was is imprinted on the new birthings, nothing of its great experience. in the fertile womb of the universe, unique, individual, innocent, these newly formed souls are ready to begin their own journey.

how does a soul 'grow'? i think the best analagy i can supply is to think of an onion. each ring represents growth over previous lives, with the outer ring being representative of the ego. i define the ego in this case not as personality, but as the interface - a sponge through which every single experience/sensation/thought/etc is soaked inwards to the soul. this is my spiritual definition, if you will, of 'ego'.

that does not mean that the soul is like an onion, that if you could cut out a slice there would be rings like on a tree. there isn't. the soul is or should be a whole. we are meant to be "whole unto ourselves". it is also undefinable. although we know we have one, there is no literal physical spot in our bodies which we can point to and say 'here is our soul'. however i believe it would be in the centred in our torso, just above the mid section.

when it comes to the age and development of the soul, initially life, like nature itself is random. we do not choose what we want to be born as and given the sheer variety of life in the universe that would not be considered sensient, i think it's safe to assume that not only would we never guarentee living only one type of creature, let alone spend all our lives on one world, that all souls have at least have the same chance at growth and an equal opportunity to develop within themselves. souls grow with experience, experience while living and away from the place of all souls. it might be asked if ghosts' souls still grow even after 'life' has ended. the answer is yes, but that does not mean it is a desirable state of living. i will expand on this further in a later article.

the turnaround is after the 19720th life. it is the approach to this life that souls truly begin to define themselves as far as evolutionary development goes. in the approach to that life, things become less random for some souls, who have developed within them an appreciation for all life and a desire to cultivate that in others in a way which is in harmony with the nature of life itself. that probably isn't the best way to describe it but i hope you will understand what i mean as i continue. there are in fact two alternatives after the 19720th life - there are those that become returns, living for another 19720 lives, and those whose cycle ends after the their 19720th life ends.

a soul that is fit and becomes a returned 'walks' between lives. they choose the circumstances of their birth (eg country/world and general circumstance BUT NOT specific parents or into a wealthy family, but will lose personal fortune at 20yrs or middle class but personally abused from childhood til adulthood or poor family but become rich/inventor/other by 30yrs etc), and their mortal lives between ending and beginning might be as short as a few generations apart. these souls live for another 19720 lives before their natural end. these are the souls which as they dissipate become the stuff from which new souls are born. and this is the moment of enlightenment - when an ancient soul, having judged itself fit at the end of each life, gently disipates within the sacred place of souls, releasing itself to the universe. and so the cycle of life begins anew.

(in tibettan buddhism this moment is called "nirvana". the word nirvana literally means extinguishing or unbinding. and that nirvana is the ultimate goal of the buddhist practitioner. it is only those souls which in buddhist terms walk or seek the path of enlightenment that at the end of their long journey become the stuff from which new souls are born.

there is another form of mortal soul - the messenger. these incredibly rare souls seem to know almost from the beginning of their cycle their chosen path. it's almost as if they becme 'returns' after five or ten lives, or at least very early on in their soul's journey. they are also of the souls which first filled the universe. these unique souls, if they continue to judge themselves fit, will continue to life mortal lifes throughout the universal age. however unlike other mortal souls they never reach the stage that the time between lives is shortened as it can be for returns.


this is an important concept to grasp before continuing. how does a soul judge iteself? it is all about INTENT. the conscious intentions behind any action, be they 'good' or 'evil'. and every single factor in the decision to act is taken into account. was it for personal benefit, in expectation of a reward, or done soley to avoid punishment? and while an act of kindness to enhance social standing or recognition is still something, to have done it without such considerations weighs better. was it to save someone else, to defend self, or just following orders? from the smallest act of kindness to the greatest misdeed, only the soul itself can be a true judge of past acts, of choices made.

the act of charity is a simple, and probably safe, example. philanthropists aren't highly thought of, but why? is it because of their wealth? they don't have to give a cent, much less a certain amount. the simple act (tax concessions or not, because how many of all income brackets take advantage of that?) counts. neither does the 'cause' negate the value of giving. a person tossing a few coins in a charity tin or to a begger amounts to the same. because what compassion moves that person to do so is the same. and it is still a choice made.

what of the non-monetary acts of kindness? the simple act of warning your neighbour it's going to rain because they have washing on the line is not too small to count. but if you take on what is to you a 'noble cause' and in the process someone is hurt, something damaged or destroyed, you are not immune from your own soul's judgement. there is no justification. every choice made counts. nothing, not even how you treat your pets, doesn't count. if you chose to reach out and pet you cat or dog, or chose not to, will be considered in all circumstances.

this belief of the soul judging itself does run though different religions throughout history as well. though to a culture in which belief in 'god' judgement in deeply embedded, it may have been recognised as such. despite the many gods accounted by the ancient egyptians, they still believed that none of them judged whether or not their souls was fit for the next life. their heart/soul was weighed on a scale against the 'feather of truth'.

effects of horticultural practices and cloning

in a multi-cell form of life there is still only one soul. that is to say that a tree, a bird or a human has only on soul within their living form that they were born with. but what happens if through a chance of nature or through artificial means, some part of that whole individual becomes split, and grows separately?

if we take for example a gardener and what happens when a cutting is taken from a plant and grown into an entirely 'new' plant. it is essentially the same plant, grown from some of the cells of the original. and so is its soul. this new plant did not grow from seed, it was grown from the root stock, or twig of another. how can it then have its own individual soul? this part of the original's soul will have different life experiences, perhaps, but it is still one with and part of its separated self. the soul does know. and at the end of both plant's lives both parts of the separated soul find each other (because the soul seeks to be one as it was meant to be) travel to the sacred place and heal as one soul - if they die at the same instant.

but what happens if they don't, or if there is more than one 'clone' of the original plant? basically the soul part of the one that dies becomes one with one of the other lliving plants. which isn't quite random. it is whichever one that it is 'drawn to', but if the original still lives then the souls of the cuttings made from it will return to that one. and if there is a cutting of a cutting of a cutting the that soul part on death still goes to the plant it was cut from if it still lives. so living souls ARE AFFECTED by the division of their forms into new living beings.

if we take this further and consider grafting, where the trunk and roots of one type of plant is bonded to the branch of another (sometimes more than one branch), then we are in terms of the soul looking at a conglomerate of still separate soul parts 'co-habitting' on the new artificial, but living, arrangement.

but it's not as if we can't find examples in the natural environment similar to what a gardener does. worms can survive being cut in half and sometimes the other half grows to a functional, living worm. ground covering plants, which spread out and shoot up new sprouts as their root system grows outwards from the original stem can end up with the root being damaged, cut or eaten, so that the offshoot ends up growing separately from the original. moss, lichen and tree ferns grow on a tree, but their souls do not become one with the host plant.

so the gardenner is only mimicing nature. but science takes that further. and while i cannot quantify what damage is done to the soul through various gardening practices, i can tell you that in science it is far, far worse. the difference is like comparing an ant to the size of an elephant. because while there are natural occurances of cloning, resulting in soul divisoions (maternal twins, for example), cloning long ago became the mortal form of immortality. and the soul of such an individual avoids self-judgment for as long as there is a living clone. in the case of those ascensionists in power, their unnatural and unnaturally long existence influences others well beyond the reach and lifespan of one person. and in the case of the ascended masters, there is more than one.

the oligarchy of nine which ruled calreisa at the time when warp state and cloning was developed are still cloning themselves. and they have more than one clone per individual. on top of that there are the rest of them who are cloned (also with mulitples as they prove their usefulness) as long as they pass the 'karmic board' which judges their performance.

but what happens to a soul that forever avoids judgment, as in a clone of a clone of a clone, ad infinitum? it (as a ghost looking for its next individual whose soul it will meld with) is black and featureless. some have called them "shadow people", i refer to them as d'att fiends. they are souls between hosts, rather than lives. and they may wander before seeking another clone of the same individual to meld with. that is what they look like if seen with the mind's eye. if seen visually, they appear as a emancipated skull, with no definable body, just 'something' dragging behind them. this is the price of cloning on the living soul. and they NEVER clone singly, aside from cloning gerationally, as in one livetime after another they also clone multiple times in each generation.

even if the individual does lead a non-corrupt life, their soul already is corrupted by extreme 'age' - the weight of experience. as for acts which would be considered in some way 'evil', the cumulation of such actions upon the living soul is such that the very presence of such an individual's astral would make your skin crawl. their corruption almost become a scent which makes your spirit cringe and you want to physically pull away.

but this weight of experience does not simply happen to one who has lived clone life after clone life. even if it is not apparent astrally, it can happen another way - through multiple living clones. andit becomes the accumulated actions of all clones which determines at the end of their indivudual lives upon which the soul will judge itself in the place of all souls. because it is the one soul - no matter how many separate forms it exists in. and on entering that place it is one as a soul is meant to be, and judges itself as one. there is no 'grey' memories that don't count, there is no ignoring of the actions of any but the individual life the soul was born with. ALL actions are judged as if the one person had flt all that experience into a single life and form.

warp state induced soul trauma

the soul suffers terribly due the violation of being physically passed through by people and things in d'att (or warp) state. or by passing through stationary objects in d'att state. the eyes cannot see, the body barely if at all feel, the mind has no experience with which to draw comparison, but the spirit is aware of something abominable happening. for this is violation of the worst kind. solid things should not be able to pass through each other, and without awareness on the conscious level, the spirit is traumatised on what might be a daily basis. this harm manifests itself in two main ways. firstly while living, the victim's spirit tries to flee in an uncontrolled astral state for there is no excape for the body whose mind does not comprehend.

because an astral that 'flees' the form becuase of distress of the spirit is disconnected from the self, it can remain lost or separate for days, even months or years. because this trauma is on-going for the same of yourself i suggest the following to draw your own spirit back to self - say three times "i withdraw into myself", not with your mouth, not with you mind, but with your heart. even the separated astral can say this and when it returns such a desire goes with it to the soul it came from.

the second way is after death. the spirit, unable to come to terms with what has happened, remains away from the sacred place of souls. the ghost goes through stages in his or her recovery, and all living souls might suffer this. firstly it remains mute and unmoving, deep shock preventing any expression. in the second stage, still unable to cope or even express what has left them so traumatised, they seek familiar surroundings or family. finally they begin to comprehend what is happening around them - what cannot be seen by the eyes of those living - the people, ships and other things in warp state, casually or with malice passing though those living in natural or dern state. understanding in time brings peace.

the amount of time needed varies, and while there are animal ghost for the same reason, their previous living natures allows them to heal quicker. the recovery time for the human, as we have on this world, varies from years to centuries. to a large extent this is dependent on the technological understanding of the society which they belonged to whilst living. for example a roman officer/senator who lived previous to the birth of christ may remain a ghost right up to this century. but someone living and dying in modern times might recover in the space of decades. present in our society are cars, aircraft and spacecraft. further, it is not beyond our imagining that warp state could exist (think star treck and other sci-fi). this understanding or at least conscious exposure to the concept while alive allows for comprehension as shock wears off.

so not only is their travel to the sacred place of souls delayed up to centuries but also further healing must occur there but further healing must occur there, and the next life must also wait.

this does not cover all the damage caused by abuse of warp state technology and the living soul. there is more which occurs which damages the soul in other ways, particularly where there is a fixed population in a city ship permanently anchored. such as the constant exposure, through telepathy and technology, to the thoughts and voices of others - the increased self-consciousness, the constant exposure to the negative and critical thoughts of others, never seen by the eyes of the recipient, both of which alter the personality of those subjected to this. the individual's entire personality could be altered over time, resulting in them making life choices from the simplest thing to major life events which if left to develop as a person unaffected they may not have made.

they may suffer from a constant sense of something not being right, and simply put it down to self doubt or 'being in the wrong place' mentally or in their lives. they might be prone to misery and restlessness without knowing why. reluctant to step forward they may feel trapped, and never know why they feel the way they do. life opportunities might be missed simply because they feel 'weighed down' and unable to take a new direction, never knowing that they are being made to feel this way because it suits whoever in d'att is dominating their life to remain where they are.

a person's entire life if they are affected from the cradle to the grave might be altered in personality, outlook, choices and the circumstances the individual finds themselves in through choices made and unmade.

psychological and social effects of ascensionist beliefs

- the value of life
ascensionism promotes the idea that the soul is something 'attached' but not part of the living being. this is taked further by the belief that the soul is not immediately present when a new life begins. and that the soul 'inhabits' the body some time before birth. what value then, do we place on the life of the fetus? or in fact on the value of a person's life? a follow-on belief to the idea of 'contracts' between individuals you encounter in your life made prior to your own, means that the dilema for a follower of ascensionism is are they obligated purely on a prior 'agreement' to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term?

but this belief that the soul isn't really part of the body leads to other issues. if the soul is merely 'attached' then it can become 'detached'. so if someone is unhappy with their life, to the extent that suicide becomes something considered, is it really suicide if the 'soul' merely wants to leave on the grounds that their 'life program' is remaining unfulfilled? if we are not really living if wearing a physical form is merely temporary and only for the gaining of 'experience', if the soul is given more emphasis than the life lived then what does it matter to these people if they consider leaving?

my view is that you are only you in one life. you weren't the same person the last time you were away from the sacred place of souls, and you will never be the same person in the future. so it's the life you are living which is more imporant than your overall span of lives.

- abortion
from a spiritual viewpoint, i don't see an issue as looking at it from the perspective of the fetus. it does happen in nature that life is ended before birth/hatching/etc and though abortion is artificial, i don't see it as having lasting effects on the soul, as in some terrible damage is done that the soul must recover from. (i also believe that conception is the beginning of a new life, therefore that is also the instant when a soul begins a new journey. in keeping with).

a disturbing part of ascensionism is the belief that we as individuals enter into 'contracts' prior to our birth and life for those with whom we interact - ie friends, attackers, family, spouse et al. i don't believe in 'contracts' so i don't see any failing on the mother's part for the termination of the fetus. in fact i see it as dangerous follow-on to the 'contract' program because to believe that because of the increased, and long term, emotional and psychological burden on the woman no matter what her choice.

karma comes with many different meanings, basically coming down to you get what you deserve or what you sow, so shall you reap. in other words, the consequences of an individual's choice will come back on them. but there is also deeper meaning - my definition of karma is "truth and consequences". that your soul judges you on your choices between lives. you can't lie to yourself in the sacred place of souls. you can't excuse, justify, deny anything. there is no-one to appeal to. your own soul - the only one fit to judge it's own self - knows the undeniable truth. it is the individual soul which judges the fitness for the next life based on you choices made in the life just lived. and that, combined with growth through experience from the lives lived is how the soul evolves. growth through experience becomes at the right stage, and if proper, wisdom on a soul level, and that wisdom allows for the development of returns.

ascensionism, however, teaches a very different view to karma. in fact they promote two kinds of karma - karma on a personal level and karma on a group or global level. for the personal level version, you need only to reread the 'value of life' section. basically they promote the idea that your own soul between lives preselected 'experiences' you should suffer in order to 'evolve' as a spiritual being. that was the original but not very popular version of personal karma, and by extention any miserable circumstances, illness, traumatic events or accidents that happens to you is because you pre-decided as a soul that you should, basically because you did something 'bad' in a previous life, and this is your way of making up for it. you have to 'suffer' in order to atone for the trespasses of previous lives.

the second version is slightly reworded but essentially the same. now you soul enters into a 'contract'. your soul, prior to this life decided that it had to encounter people and circumstances in order to develop a certain divine aspect or understand some important divine lesson. but until you have consciously learned this lesson which you don't ever remember signing up for, you must suffer. that is your soul's way of telling you that you are doing something wrong, or failing your life's lessons. and you will continue to suffer until you get it right. and such life lessons involve miserable circumstances, illness, traumatic events or accidents.

both these teachings prey upon the vunerable. when someone is at a low ebb or suffered some tragedy, the last thing they need to hear or say to themselves is "well, you wanted it to happen", or that "you deserve it". these people already depressed by their cirumstances suddenly are told it is entirely their responsibility that they are in that situatlon. so they begin to look around, to try to understand where they went wrong - and fall straight into the arms of those that told them it was deserved.

there is another slightly - more upbeat - version, the purpose of which is again to leave us this time willing powerless upon ourselves. wanting to as helpless as leaves floating on the wind or down a brook. we have a purpose, oh yes, a divine purpose at that but only by turning to our angels, our guides, our god/creator BUT not ourselves (that is considered unenlightened). so we must listen to the invisible voices in our heads whom we cannot judge the intent of, and embrace ascensionism to find our 'divine purpose'.

my personal belief? life is too random for there to be a 'purpose' as in function. but some do have a 'drive' buried deep within their souls which emerges when some circumstance or circumstances trigger it.

the other version of karma ascensionists promote is even more incomprehensible - the idea of group or species or global karma. this is where the practice of decreeing comes from. that the individual is responsible for the karma of the entire planet. that they just devote time to reciting all the wronghoods of the world. (now that would depress anyone.) not only that but the individual also must take on the karma of everyone in the past as well. "have you worked off your karmic debt" equates to "have you atoned for the sins of everyone on the planet for the last several million years or so?" because as part of a global 'global community' the followers of ascensionism are expected to believe that they are responsible for repaying all the 'karmic' debt or consequence of, well, the entire planet's history.

the ONLY way we are affected by actions of those that lived in the past, or of others living today, is the ongoing resulting EFFECTS their actions had on history and the rest of soceity. and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that they do or did with their souls or their soul development, could affect OUR OWN AS INDIVIDUALS.

worse, some believe that ascensionism must happen as a species. and that they won't evolve unless everyone else does. so what effects will that have to the follower's attitude, aside being an incentive to 'spread the word'. those following ascensionism develop feelings of superiority and frustration towards the 'unevolved' or nonbelievers. but i would have to wonder. if asked questions of what they were taught (and is that really the same as profound belief?) if they would be able to explain in a way that to anyone else it made sense? or if they would simply resort to abuse and the personal conclusion that the 'unevolved' will never understand? while words like 'evolved' aren't clearly explained, one would assume that it should equate to 'enlightened' for the teachings to truly be beneficial to the soul, spirit and the person as a whole. the enlightened would not judge, much less presume some sort of right to judge, the fitness of the soul of another.

the tree of life

John 3 (4) Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? (5)  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (6) That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (7) Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

the tree is an ancient sacred symbol, used to remind people of the cycle of souls as far back as 10,0000 BC. people think that buddhism is a relatively modern religion, begun around 2500BC, but buddhists are the last keepers of an ancient knowledge forgotten as monotheism violently took over, and the jewish "god" destroyed babylon to destroy it's influence. both the tree and the eye as sacred symbols harken back to this time and beyond.

these diagrams are best studied in conjunction with the article above this. to help make sense of the images some parts are reproduced here.

the first thing is to define what the soul is. the soul is the core of our spirit being. All living things have a soul, or they would not be living. It is through the soul that the force of life flows into the being. there are two types of soul - that which is physical or mortal soul and that which is divine or eholim soul. mortals have solid forms. Mortals do have a spirit form, it is an integral part of what we are as a whole being. It should not be viewed as 'separate', for such is the life we are - not one or the other in our living, but both at once. Mortals have a physical body, they are 'solid', but this is not to say that eholim are themselves without form. While able to pass through solid objects we ourselves cannot in natural state (while living) they are to themselves and to each other 'solid'. they do have bodies. they have organs, minds and depending on the kind, limbs. the eholim are PEOPLE, just different people. And like mortals they make their choices. but do not think their souls are different. all life is random in it's beginning, and as only mortal souls can create new life in their endings, then there is no distinction but that first life experienced by the new-born soul. however this random chance of birth does make one distinction - a soul born into eholim life can never at it's end be the birthing of new souls.

thus we have two kinds of soul in the universe, if life is defined and divided at it's most basic. mortals live temporary existences and then when that life is done, the soul travels to the place of all souls, also known as the sacred place of souls, where it judges itself. No-one else judges your soul. only the soul, with no-one to justify actions to , or excuses to make, when there is nobody to impose 'rules' or dictate what is 'right' or 'wrong', can dispassionately judge the fitness of its own being after the life just lived. eholim, or 'spirit', can have potentially eternal (but not immortal) lives so their souls judge themselves far less than mortal souls. but when their lives end, they too go to this same place where their souls face the same internal judgement.

to best describe the cycle of souls i try to picture a nebula. a soul, having lived its lives, dissipates peacefully and easily. and in the hazy 'cloud' of what was , new stars - new souls - are born. nothing of what that soul was is imprinted on the new birthings, nothing of its great experience. in the fertile womb of the universe, unique, individual, innocent, these newly formed souls are ready to begin their own journey.

the mortal tree of life

when it comes to the age and development of the soul, initially life, like nature itself is random. we do not choose what we want to be born as and given the sheer variety of life in the universe that would not be considered sensient, i think it's safe to assume that not only would we never guarentee living only one type of creature, let alone spend all our lives on one world, that all souls have at least have the same chance at growth and an equal opportunity to develop within themselves. souls grow with experience, experience while living and away from the place of all souls.

the turnaround is after the 19720th life. it is the approach to this life that souls truly begin to define themselves as far as evolutionary development goes. in the approach to that life, things become less random for some souls, who have developed within them an appreciation for all life and a desire to cultivate that in others in a way which is in harmony with the nature of life itself. that probably isn't the best way to describe it but i hope you will understand what i mean as i continue. there are in fact two alternatives after the 19720th life - there are those that become returns, living for another 19720 lives; and those whose cycle ends after the their 19720th life ends.

a soul that is fit and becomes a returned 'walks' between lives. they choose the circumstances of their birth (eg country/world and general circumstance BUT NOT specific parents or into a wealthy family, but will lose pesonal fortune at 20yrs or middle class but personally abused from childhood til adulthood or poor family but become rich/inventor/other by 30yrs etc), and their mortal lives between ending and beginning might be as short as a few generations apart.  these souls live for another 19720 lives before their natural end. these are the souls which as they dissipate become the stuff from which new souls are born. and this is the moment of enlightenment - when an ancient soul, having judged itself fit at the end of each life, gently disipates within the sacred place of souls, releasing itself to the universe. and so the cycle of life begins anew.

(in tibettan budhism this moment is called "nirvana". the word nirvana literally means extinguishing or unbinding. and that nirvana is the ultimate goal of the buddhist practitioner. it is only those souls which in terms of buddhism walk or seek the path of enlightenment that at the end of their long journey become the stuff from which new souls are born.)

the eholim tree of life

this tree of life is even less well known. the one above better reflects the walk of life for an archangel, but also represents the path of return for a spirt murdered or otherwise suffers a loss of life which doesn't result in the death of the soul as well. a soul born as eholim begins it's life as spirit. but the life of a spirits extends far beyond the life of a mortal. because of this, the soul's judgment of it's own self begins when the soul of the eholim leaves the universe. as with all souls judgement occurs in the sacred place between lives. but the soul needs to heal, it needs to grow. a soul without the growth of experience stagnates within itself. to begin it's return to the universe and it's former nature, the eholim soul first goes on a "mortal walk". as with any soul, judges itself between lives and is reborn for 19720 lives. but this is where the paths diverge. for the eholim soul experiences one more life, and what life that soul becomes is influenced by it's yearning for what it once was. as mortal souls can begin to choose the circumstances of their rebirth (or reincarnation), so is this desire in the soul that was once eholim influence the next mortal or physical life it becomes. and that is the last mortal walk for the eholim soul, because once that life has ended and the soul rested in the sacred place something different happens - the soul "awakens" and, clothing itself in spirit (it's spirit body) the eholim leaves the sacred place.

the soul of an eholim which fails in it's own judgement at the end of it's eholim existence when it has traveled to the sacred place NEVER returns as spirit again. that first judgement between the eholim life and beginning of the mortal walk determines it's fate. such a soul walks the same path as a mortal soul, facing the same judgements and with the same chances at becoming a "returned" soul. but even then, even if the soul of an eholim should walk the path of a returned and judge itself fit at the end of each of those lives, at the end of it all the soul will never on disipation be the material from which new souls are born. it's very nature precludes that from ever happening.

the spiral key

together these trees of life end-on-end represent the very basis of life in the universe and are known as the spiral key, to fulfill the oldest expression - as above, so below. that is not to say that one path is superior. it is simply drawn that the path of spirit is above the path of mortal life, with the womb of life in the middle. together, as with all things in nature, they both mirror and complement each other.

the law of attraction, or bringing more of what you want into your life

the 'law of attraction' as it is popularly called is a method by which we draw into our lives what we desire or treasure most - if that is where our focus is. although as an expression it didn't gain popularity until 2006, there are other also well known expressions which have been around much longer.

what you sew, you shall reap.
what goes around comes around.
what you put out, come back to you.

and other expressions you might not associate with this principle -

like attracts like.
birds of a feather flock together.

people use this principle all their lives. afterall, it doesn't happen too often that something simply drops into our laps, followed by the thought "wow, i never knew i wanted it so much!". we don't recognise it for what it is but we use it all the time.

even a child does, saving their pocket money to buy something particular even if that means doing extra chores to come up with the money sooner. or perhaps their daydreaming about it will be noticed by a parent or grandparent and it will be purchased for them as a gift. when a student has a particular career in mind he or she will focus on courses which will give them the best chance of ending up in the job of their dreams. when someone decides they want a car, how much thought goes into it before they actually get on. first, theres the desire to purchase, imagining being behind the wheel of their own car. thinking about what type of car, which colour. then comes the issue of money - maybe they will have to borrow, maybe not. but if they go out with a particular car, year and model in mind the odds are that sooner or later they will find it.

why focus on what you want? because you fix it in your mind. you keep it in mind when planning for something - you set what you desire as your goal. with it in the back of your mind you are more likely to notice the serrindipity which will bring it closer. what is serrindipity anyway, but chance opportunity? you just have to notice the coincidence to act upon it.

but keeping your goal first and foremost in your mind every moment of the day is not how it works. like learning at school, what you focus on slips into your subconscious. once you have learned your abc's and maths, did you constantly have to think about them nonstop? or was the knowledge there to be recalled when you needed it. you didn't forget the alphabet just because you haven't recited it in say the last decade or so since you left grade one, did you? we 'program' our subsconscious all the time. we are just not aware of it.

perhaps you are more familiar with this principle under phrase that was used prior to the popular 'law of attraction' - creative visualisation. creative visualisation is the use of images to reinforce what we desire to manifest in our lives. again, it's something we do all the time without realising it. daydreaming, fantasizing, mental rehearsals, and imagination are all examples of visualization. we have all daydreamed about an upcoming vacation or a visit with a favorite friend. many of us have fantasized about winning the lottery or getting a better job. however we don't just use it for positive reinforcement.

we also often use visualization to roleplay experiences we do not want in our lives. we mentally rehearse our greatest fears over and over in our minds. have you ever imagined how you would respond if you were robbed or attacked, mentally rehearsed an imagined argument with your co-worker, had a daydream about the death of a loved one, or imagined the worst possible outcome to a situation you were experiencing? it's not something you want to happen, but in case of mentally going over something we dread, we may be lining ourselves up failure in a different way - wanting to avoid the situation altogether, or letting an opportunity slip by at the last instant because the fear of what might go wrong is too great in us.

and this is the crux of the matter - when it comes to programming the subconscious, it doesn't matter whether we focus on something positive or good for us, or negative and bad for us. 'as you sow, so you shall reap' applies whether the outcome is to our benefit or not. in fact all those expessions could go either way.

and remember this one 'misery loves company'.

'birds of a feather flock together' and 'like attracts like' mean that regardless of your outlook on life, you will find yourself in the company of those that feel the same. so if your outlook tends to misery, of course you will be attracted towards those that share your perspective, and they too will be drawn to you. gossipers keep company to have someone to gossip to and social clubs form because of common interests, be they chess clubs or outdoor bowling. like does attract like given the opportunity. the downside, of course, is ostrasization, and it is a difficult thing not to fall to. when some social environment, however well intended is their desire to remain open to those of different perspectives or opinions, that will go out the window when one particular mindset begins to dominate. those not in agreeance are simply censured, suppressed or shut out.

remember that other expression, 'don't rock the boat'.

you may feel this is drifting off subject, but what i want to point out is just how much of the priniciple of attraction works in our lives whether we realise it or not. and how on a personal level and even to a degree on a social level it doesn't matter whether it is a positive or negative thing we focus on, it still works.

but when used positively the outcome can change our lives, something which has been long recognised. businesses train their employees to use visualisatin to improve performance and production.coaches use visualization with athletes because research has shown that mental rehearsal is an effective way to increase athletic performance. students use visualization to improve test scores while therapists use imagery to enhance relaxation skills. dieters are taught to image a thin and beautiful body. medical scientists have watched the power of mental imagery increase the immune system as well as lower a person’s blood pressure and heart rate; therefore, medical professionals often teach patients visualisation techniques to assist in their healing process.

programming our subconscious on a personal level makes what we desire in our lives possible, making it feel attainable or achievable. with a goal in mind we are on autopilot so to speak, so that automatically we are doing and noticing things which will make it possible. just as we automatically recall what we learned at school in everyday life. this does not rely simply on pictures. mental images do not always come in the form of a picture. some people use words, thoughts, or sensations to create a mental image. (a popular method is making a picture board, sticking on it any photos from magazines, etc, which relate to what you want in your life.) you can determine what components you use to create mental images by observing your daydreams or fantasies. do you see clear pictures, or do your daydreams consist of blurred images with clear thoughts? maybe you provide you own narrative or commentary. or perhaps add your own scents or become emotionally involved.

but the key reinforcement through repetition. repetition is how we first learned our abc's and our first maths equations. what you repeat to yourself is what sinks into your subconscious. and as we have already observed, it doesnt matter if it's good or bad, positive or negative. so when it comes to shaping our lives positive reinforcement is important! it must be something we want more of, not less of in our lives. because the subconscious doesn't discriminate, that is a conscious process.

here is another example of how what your mind dwells on - which is repiticious thinking - affects your subconscious. have you ever decided on what car you want, and then it seems no matter where you are, you notice one. or when you are looking for a house any you pass while out driving which might match your price-bracket or needs/ideals you find yourself automatically looking at wistfully and imagining what it would be like to own it.

this is from two articles in an australian magazine, "that's life!", feb 6 2009 issue. read them carefully. hope is described as "an often underrated powerhouse emotion. it's about trusting what you want. when you hope, it's like making a wish." but....

and the section about luck started like this - "despite what some people believe, luck is not something that just happens. we create luck energies on a subconscious level.

both these articles point to one thing - we do bring into our lives what we focus upon, either materially or because we notice and appreciate more of what we have in life. by desiring what is positive or beneficial to ouselves, we are enhancing our lives purely by thought and thought alone.

ascensionism and the emphasis on suffering

suffering is a big thing in ascensionism. and a common theme. and it doesn't matter whether these channellers name who the are channelling or just say from some 'divine' source. suffering is karmic balancing of the transgression of past lifes; suffering is needed for the sake of experience so the soul can learn certain lessons and evolve; and for those experiencing physical symptoms - how to live with suffering by becoming a more loving person. the 'reason' changes, but the focus is still there.

even the 'how to love yourself' messages focus on it. but tell me. what is the 'law of attraction' if not drawing into your life what you are focussed on? from the above it should be obvious now that what the mind dwells on is drawn into our lives. and yet this mindset is part of the dogma of a process which is supposed to lead to enlightenment...

what it does lead to is depression to misery to suicidal tendencies. what it does lead to is moroseness, to uncaring to indifferece and selfish misery. what it does lead to is a sense of hopelessness to self-defeat to simply giving up.

if you stop desiring better for youself, if you stop seeing the beauty in yourself, others and nature itself, if you just shut out the misfortune of others.... how can that lead to enlightenment?

and we are only human. how can focussing on suffering do anything else to our psychy?

if all you see is 'suffering' then that is all you will feel. look for what is better in yourself and see only that.

what is meant by this? if your mind constantly dwells on suffering then you are programming your subconscious to effectively ignore anthing which could be misconstrued as good fortune or beneficial. focuss on suffering and that is all you are programming yourself to see. you will stop noticing anything else, even the bright colours of a flower. all you will see, all you will take notice of, is what reinforces your self-programmed perspective. that goes for your own self as well as life in general. you will stop loving yourself.

so take time each morning before you begin your day to remind yourself that you are special, that you have worth and that life - your life - really is what you make of it.

and yes, as the ol' saying goes - "love thyself".

** some examples taken from the website "the law of attraction"

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